Thursday, July 1, 2010

Final Update From China

I'm home and glad to be back in clear-sky Chattanooga with ice in my drinks and several meals without rice! It was a wonderful, cultural immersion, and I have learned so much. Can't wait to share with teachers in August and kids when they return, especially the 2nd and 4th graders who study Ancient China. The terra cotta warrior exhibit was amazing, and in the picture I'm on a replica with my roomie from Nashville.
And then there's a view from the Great Wall; it was 104 that day and stifling. Note the umbrellas - they always use those for protection from the sun. I have some beautiful pictures with all the various colored umbrellas used by the Chinese people. So much to share, will post a file of the pictures online in case you want a full slide show! From Beijing to Xian to Nanjing to Suzhou to Shanghai, China is a vast and diverse country made of many ethnic groups with their own unique customs. I loved the sweet villagers of Luzhi with their tribal dance and songs as they paddled us down the canals in their simple boats. Our guide even let me steer! (She must be a risk taker.) I was blown away by the advancement of Shanghai, got to ride a maglev train and walk the pedestrian bridge that goes OVER their freeways. Wow - I hope we can do that when we update our infrastructure in the U.S.
China is changing. I went to a Catholic mass packed with Chinese; we were the only non-Chinese. I saw Buddha sculptures in front of home entrances. Little businesses and BIG businesses are booming - private enterprise is growing. Skyscrapers are being constructed all over the big cities - they joke that their national bird is the "crane." Get it?! Children are required to learn English starting in 3rd grade. What an exciting time to visit China and see it in a transition stage.
Thanks for checking in. Hey kids, be sure to "du, xie, xiang" for the rest of summer (read, write, think!)
Love and Peace and Pride in the U.S. of A............Carol Lockrow

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